
Administrative Processing And The K1 Fiance Visa

Sometimes after the K1 Fiance visa interview, the Embassy will delay making a decision on the visa and place the matter into something we call Administrative Processing.
Administrative Processing essentially means that the Embassy wants more time to consider the merits of your K1 Fiance application. Sometimes they need more documents and place your case into Administrative Processing to allow the Petitioner or Beneficiary more time to obtain and submit the additional documents. Sometimes the Embassy needs more time to review the merits of the application and wishes to investigate matters pertaining to the application. None of this is good news to the applicants, but if there is a silver lining to Administrative Processing, its that Administrative Processing is not a denial. Its a delay and most times it all woks out just fine.
The amount of time that the Embassy takes during Administrative Processing can vary widely. Most times the delay is for about 30-60 days. Sometimes, the delay is much longer. From my experience, other than providing any extra documentation that is requested by the Embassy, there is not much you can do except to be patient. You just have to trust that the Embassy will carefully review your case and ultimately make the right decision.
Keep in mind, if your case is ultimately denied after being placed in Administrative Processing, you can refile for another K1 Fiance Visa or get married and then  file for a CR1 Marriage Visa.
If you have questions about the K1 Fiance Visa you are welcome to call me anytime at 1-888-515-3529. I am always happy to answer questions.
Attorney Jeffrey C Pettys
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