
Fiance Visa forms

Everyone applying for a K1 Fiance Visa have to file Fiance Visa Forms. To apply for a K1 Fiance Visa, you will have to file an I-129F Petition for Alien Fiance(e) along with a G-325A Biographic Information form for both the Petitioner and Beneficiary (the future husband and wife).  These forms will have to be filed with the required documents. A list of the documents can be found in the instructions for both forms. You can find the forms by going online to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services site. You can find it at

Once your I-129F is approved and your application has been sent to the US Embassy where your foreign fiance lives, you will be required to file all or a combination of the following Embassy forms: I-134 Affidavit of Support, DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, DS-156 online Supplement to Non Immigrant Visa Application , DS-156K Non Immigrant Fiance Visa Application, and DS-157 Supplemental Non Immigrant Visa Application form.  These forms can found online at The US Department of States web site at Each US Embassy location has their own specific procedures and requirements. To determine what forms are required by your Embassy location, you will need to check their Embassy web site of wait for notification from the Embassy.

I recommend that you hire legal counsel to prepare your documents for both USCIS and the US Embassy and otherwise help you through the entire process. Your legal counsel should provide you with unlimited consultation during the entire process and help prepare your fiance for his or her Embassy interview.  You are welcome to call me anytime to discuss your visa plans. You can reach me toll free at 1-888-515-3529.

Jeffrey C. Pettys


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