Articles Posted in CR1 Marriage Visa
Trump Executive Order Temporarily Suspends K1 Fiance and CR1 Marriage Visas From 7 Countries
New Filing Fees For K1 Fiance And CR1 Marriage Visas
What to do when your K1 Fiance Visa is denied
Same Sex Marriage Immigration Benefits For Fiancés And Spouses
Immigration benefits for same sex couples are now legal and our office is getting Fiance Visas and Marriage Visas approved for same sex couples from around the world!
As you may have heard, same sex marriages are now legal in all 50 states and this makes getting married to a same sex partner much easier than before. No longer do you have to travel to a state that allows for same sex marriages after your fiancé enters the US on his or her Fiance Visa to get married. Also, you no longer have to worry about the religious or legal impediments in the foreign fiancés country. All Fiance Visa applications are processed by a local US Embassy who applies only US law. So even if your fiancé comes from a country that does not recognize same sex marriages or has strong religious opposition to same sex marriages, the application will be processed and approved in accordance with US law.
If you are already married and you were married in the US, you can now apply for a Marriage Visa without issue or your foreign spouse can adjust status to become a Legal Permanent Resident depending on your circumstances.
Police Reports for K1 Fiance and Marriage Visas
Passport Photos for K1 Fiance and CR1 Marriage Visas
- The passport photos must be in color
Children born during the K1 Fiance or CR1 Marriage Visa application process
Many of my clients who travel overseas to spend time with their fiancés or spouses while waiting on a K1 Fiance or CR1 Marriage Visa, become fathers. After all of the excitement, the question becomes…….What do I need to do so my child can travel to the US with my fiancé or spouse?
The child of a US citizen born overseas only needs a US Passport to travel to the US. To obtain a US passport for the child, the couple must first file a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) with the nearest US Embassy and follow all the required instructions.
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the great people and families that I have met throughout the years.
Every year I meet new people who are looking for Immigration help. All of my clients have meet someone special and were in need of a K1 Fiance Visa, CR1 Marriage Visa or help applying for an Adjustment of Status to become a Legal Permanent Resident of the United States. The best part of my job is getting to know my clients and sometimes, staying friends after the work is done. I try and follow the families that I have worked with to see how they are doing once the process has been completed and everyone is settled. I always look forward to the new pictures and updates that I receive every year. I especially like to hear about how my families have grown and how any children are doing after arriving in the United States. Its a big adventure for everyone and sometimes a big adjustment. I am always available to talk and consult with. And, you are always welcome to send me new pictures and updates. If you like, we can include your pictures in our new family Facebook page. Just email me your pictures and any news at To see our new firm Facebook page, click the Facebook link on our web page.
Again, happy holidays to everyone. I wish you a great holiday season and a safe and prosperous new year!